måndag 22 februari 2010

"Snow's all right in a fine morning, but I like to be in bed while it's falling"

Burr, vilken vargavinter vi har i Sverige just nu! Har inte tinat än efter att ha förflyttat mig till arbetet! Den gode Tolkien var med på färden, och beskriver resan så här:
While they were halted, the wind died down, and the snow slackened until it almost ceased. They tramped on again. But they had not gone more than a furlong when the snow returned with fresh fury. The wind whistled and the snow became a blinding blizzard. (Fellowship of the Ring, s. 324)

2 kommentarer:

Metronyx sa...

Ha,ha det var den mest träffande bilden på länge.

Fia sa...

You've got to keep it real, man! =)